I’m a little late

So it’s nearly halfway into January and I haven’t blogged or posted any resolutions or goals or heady thoughts, no looks back, no looking forward. For sure my time online these days is a fraction of what it used to be, and for sure life is crazy busy; but I think it’s more than that. I think I have found myself in this place of wondering who I am writing for?  Is anyone reading, why am I writing, what’s the meaning of it all???  And then I remember:


But seriously, these have been my thoughts recently. Still, I find I don’t want to let go completely, not quite yet, so I here I am.

A quick look back: Ugh, 2015 was rough. .  really a carryover from 2014. 2015 was a healing year, but healing isn’t easy stuff. Whether physical or emotional – it’s tough to do what you  need to do to ‘get better’.  So I’m glad to put it behind me.  I’ll hold close the lessons learned and look forward into 2016.

A quick look forward:  2016. YAY! No real resolutions. And I’ve never been a ‘word of the year’ person really but two words have popped out at me this year and so I’m claiming them. I’m keeping them handy and reminding myself of them frequently.

My two words:


to remind me to analyze and make small adjustments when and where needed. This came about from the following graphic that was floating around the interwebs recently



(in true fashion I have not yet made this list…I kind of have a pretty good idea at this stage of my life what I do every day and what makes me happy though it may be interesting to write it down!)





to encourage me to be open (in so many ways) – to thoughts, experiences, people, to everything God has in store for me in 2016. Whether it’s part of my plan or not.

There are so many things out of my control right now, and I believe some big life changes coming in 2016….I can’t talk publicly about them yet because they affect other people and nothing is set in stone yet. . . . .if things happen the way I (we) expect that they will then my little world is going to be turned pretty much upside down come fall so I’m going to squeeze as much out of the next 7 months as I can while getting ready for fall. 🙂

One of the things that I am focusing on is my creative outlet. In addition to my faces, I am painting a bit more and I am committed to getting into my metalsmithing studio on a regular basis. To help with the metalsmithing I have joined a year long challenge, creating with a group of other jewelry artists which will help keep me accountable. My first piece is done and I think may be slightly indicative of where I’ve been and where I’m going.

I also took time this weekend to start re-organizing my house in anticipation of things to come. 🙂   I hadn’t really planned on spending most of the day Sunday going through my kitchen cabinets but that is where I ended up and I’m SO glad I did. I was exhausted by evening and then realized I still needed to make my piece of jewelry, so last night was a late night for me!

Would love to hear your thoughts!