
Can you delete your account?

Yes, the questions continue! the hub-bub and confusion and wondering about this network continues and perhaps increases because more people are becoming aware of it. As I noted before, I don’t think it’s a get rich quick plan nor am I counting on making ANY money at all from it -I just figured I’d test it out….see where it goes. If you want to check it out – you can join through my account (you have to join through someone to get in)

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, if you got in and want to get OUT, yes, you CAN delete your account. They don’t make it easy though. The information in the terms says click ‘here’ and ‘here’ is not a hyperlink. Big boo-boo there.

How do you delete your account? You must go to the FAQs page. Look under ‘manage my wallet’ and there is a link that says “how do I delete my account?” — which I missed several times because I wasn’t trying to manage my wallet!!  Right? It’s a bit sneaky if you ask me. But, once you click on that link you get a pop up to insert your password and confirm the delete.


According to Terms and Conditions, once you delete your account, all of your content is removed from the site EXCEPT that which has been ‘reshared’. Apparently if someone else has shared it, it’s now THEIR content – and remember, you own your content.

Or do you? (see how that happened there?)


*UPDATE* Update to deleting account

If you have deleted your account, please comment below with your experience!

Thanks –

What is ?

Just what the heck is ? How does work? Why should I use it?

By now you have probably heard of the new social media (SM) site . Maybe you got an ‘invite’ to tsu and thought – what they heck is that?  How can they monetize SM? Is if for real???

Great questions.

I saw an article on a blog mentioning it and thought I’d check it out, so I signed up. Here is a screenshot of what my view looks like:

Here is what I can tell you

it’s sort of like Facebook. but with a slant.

Users can earn money simply by posting the stuff they normally post to social media. Sounds fishy but there may be something to it.

The general idea is that by using Tsu and posting content, you are adding value. Tsu has algorithms they use to track shares and probably sidebar ad clicks, etc. You can earn money when your content is shared or when users take certain actions.

Similar to Facebook (FB) there are settings you can  use to determine what is public and what is private.

You can set up notifications, post photos, vide
o, text content, etc.

Unlike FB, to join Tsu you must be ‘invited’ or follow someone’s link. (mine is ) if you want to join and check it out.

Tsu says that they are about quality content not spam….and that they will monitor that and take action when needed. Which they will have to do or the site would become spam central – share my post to earn $$ !  – Right? Presently it’s not like that.  And Tsu has some parameters around how many posts and invites and other things you can do/use in a 24 hour period. The limits are fairly high, it’s not likely I’d cross them, and they would help kill any big time spammers from running rampant in a short period of time.

You can search hashtags on Tsu to find content relevant to your interests and choose to ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ people. Tsu makes a special point to drive home the idea that the content is YOURS.  You own your content . There are some infographics floating around Tsu that you will see which tell you that you don’t just sign up and magically make money. And that you probably aren’t going to get rich off your network. I figure any little bit of extra cash is worth checking out so if I cross post from FB and I try to develop some authentic relationships it could be a great SM outlet for me as it may help broaden my network, my ‘reach’ and help my other business endeavors ( and  as a nice perk.

Can you link up to other social media? YES!  You can add your website, FB page, IG, etc.

Only time will tell whether tsu has the ability to be an authentic force in the world of social media.  I’m willing to follow along and see. If I don’t like it, I can always leave, there is no commitment requirement.  I figured I didn’t have anything to lose and just might gain so why not?

How about you?

You can use my link if you’re interested in signing up –



You can do it!


I have been on and off with my health (fitness) ALL of my life. I was a competitive athlete as a child into my preteen years and then walked away from it all (oh the stupidity of youth) and have never regained a consistent long term routine of working out ever since.  My weight has been a yo-yo all of my life but I always felt pretty healthy under it all – ya know?

But, things add up, and things change – and events, some of you are familiar with these yourselves, happen as part of life —   a pretty reckless period of nightlife in my twenties, then parenthood, and the work grind, and then hitting my 40s (when your body naturally starts changing and slowing down etc), and then to top it off, taking a deskjob…..oh my goodness.

I no longer felt healthy (and that was years ago).  I slowly developed habits and a lifestyle that have caused some significant health issues – and overall just was NOT working FOR me any longer.  So when I really opened my eyes and realized that I was winded walking a short distance and that I wasn’t MOVING like I used to – bending over, hopping over a curb, lifting – nothing felt smooth or ‘easy’ anymore…..I knew that changing my diet wasn’t going to be enough – I needed to start exercising.

Fortunately, since moving a few years ago – I knew just what box my old work out DVDs were in and I got them out and started with the ‘intro’ ones – 8 minues to show you the moves kind of videos. I eased into the actual workouts and really felt positive results immediately – more energy, better mood, clarity, and increased desire to keep moving! Still, I was pretty disappointed when after a few weeks I tried to jog. It was a dismal failure. Granted, I live in a neighborhood that doesn’t have a single flat surface, but still – I was really surprised and felt defeated. But, I knew any movement was better than none so I kept doing the DVDs and I kept walking, with intermittent attempts at jogging, and all of a sudden one night it dawned on me that I had done a quarter mile without walking!  And I was like holy BEEP! JUST 2 weeks ago I couldn’t come close to that!

I haven’t been perfect since – keepin’ it real here – I took a 6 month hiatus where I did NOTHING. I just started back 4 weeks ago.
The interesting thing is – I didn’t lose it all. The first few days were really hard but it wasn’t like starting all the way back at the beginning – I have quickly come up to right about where I left off. I haven’t attempted all of the DVDs again yet but I did jog the other day and I’m right about where I was when I stopped in January.

some of the videos

some of the videos

These are the videos that I am using – my go to one is first:
The Firm: Ultimate Fat Burning Workout – I like that this combines small handweights with cardio – it’s a 40 minute workout and gets my heart rate up. It’s currently my favorite workout. 🙂

Turbo Jam: Calorie-Blasting Cardio, Kickboxing, Body-Sculpting Workout DVD Program
(an oldy but goody!) I do this one rarely but used to love it. Will pull it out and rotate it into my lineup.

Shaun T’s Rockin’ Body DVD Workout
Love his energy and the workout – but do have to say I’m not coordinated or groovin’ enough for this to be comfortable!

Jillian Michaels: Shred-It With Weights
I have high hopes for this one however am unable to do most of this — that dang kettlebell is HEAVY! And some of the moves are just impossible for me, I need to use an arm of whatever to manuever, but I am hopeful that I will one day be able to smoothly perform each movement!

Tae-Bo: Basic and Instructional (Tae-Bo: The Ultimate Total Body Workout for Men & Women) [VHS]
another oldie but goody!! Full disclosure: my family leaves the room when I do this one, they just can’t take Billy Blanks in that tank…..

Tony Horton’s P90X3 Base Kit – DVD Workout
My newest purchase. I was only a few weeks into when I got sick and took my 6 month hiatus. I want to give myself a couple more weeks and then I’ll start back in on this. I was (am) unable to do a lot of this to the level they do it on the program but can do most of the moves less intensely and for less reps . . . still a great workout and because it works off your own bodies resistance (for the most part) it’s easy to do anywhere.

I even found an old workout on youtube that I used to do in highschool (for a brief period of time with my bestie Kim) I’ll leave you with that. 🙂

ENJOY! And know that truly, if I can do it – YOU CAN DO IT! Think how great it will feel in two weeks……….

How to manage time spent on Facebook

FBlogo Facebook has for me, like many other people, it become a HUGE time drain. In thinking about having ‘just enough hours’  I’ve come to the obvious conclusion that I need to cut back on my time on ‘social media’. And FB is the biggest offender for me.

I have over 840 ‘friends’ (which I know is not a lot in comparison to a lot of people) on FB but probably only 75% of those are people I actually know. Many have a one or two degree of separation based on common friends or metalsmithing interests. Only a fraction of my FB friends are really people I communicate with.

In order to get a grip on my FB feed, I’ve taken the following steps:

I have begun to ‘unfollow’ people. This removes their posts from my ‘homepage’ or newsfeed.  This has reduced the amount of time it takes to go through new posts in my feed AND it allows items from people I have a genuine relationship with to be readily available.  Many other ‘friends’ who are a degree or two separated I still see in the groups we have in common.

I have turned off notifications in all but two groups. The groups that I want to keep a fairly close connection to I have favorited which moves them to the top left sidebar where I can see how many new posts there are and then click through.

This isn’t something I use often. I know it can be controversial, but I find it necessary at times in order to maintain my sanity! I have unfriended a few people whose posts bring too much negativity to my newsfeed. I saw a comment recently that it is ‘sad’ to see friends unfriending friends because of differences in belief.  I disagree. It’s not sad, It’s just a choice. This is MY life. It needs to work for me. I have people in my life that have different opinions and beliefs than I. I don’t live in a utopian bubble. I simply don’t have time for that on FB, it’s not how I choose to use FB.

FB can be a GREAT tool. IF we have clear expectations. Some people, like myself, use it for social outlet. Others use it for news and others for political discussion, etc.

I don’t judge other people for how they interact with FB – YOU need to decide what works for you. I’m ok with that.


There are other tools  that FB offers. Go to your home page and click the small down arrow in the upper right corner then use the ‘help’ link on the drop down. You can then search topics such as ‘organize’, ‘lists’, ‘manage’, etc.




We each have 24 hours in a day – it’s up to each of us individually to determine what our best use of that time is according to our responsibilities, goals, and dreams.

Do what works for you.


3 Quick tips to a healthier diet

My diet isn’t perfect, FAR from it – but I am more aware of what I put into my body than I used to be. It’s important  – I mean, really  – it’s fuel, nutrition, etc – it’s what MAKES our bodies in a sense.

It is either helping or hurting – it’s not neutral.

For me, I made drastic changes 5 or 6 years ago by turning to a raw diet. I ate 99.8% raw for about a year. It was great! So you may wonder why I didn’t continue with it – suffice to say some major life changes – living situation, family circumstances, legal issues…a big ball of life upheaval. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fabulous experience or totally sustainable. I still eat a high raw diet (and a lot of other stuff that I shouldn’t eat at all) and I really encourage people to evaluate their choices.

You don’t have to go raw like I did, or toss all processed chemical laden food at once. Small changes are a great way to go.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Sub out an unhealthy (or nutrient void) snack with a healthy smoothie
  2. 20140712_150731
    While I love my green smoothies – you can start with something a little less intimidating and make a fruit smoothie.
    Here is a quick ‘recipe’:
    Cut up fresh banana and strawberries, freeze these overnight
    place frozen fruit in blender
    add almond milk
    blend until smooth


    Putting it in a fancy glass just makes it more fun!!!

    You can even turn it into a ‘frozen’ treat by using less milk.



  3.  Add flax meal (ground flax seeds) to anything (or everything!)
  4. I add ground flax to salads, pancakes, cereal, smoothies, chicken breading/coating, muffins, brownies, cookies… name it. Either sub out some flour when you measure or just sprinkle it on!


    Finally – a really easy one!

  5. Increase your water intake – this is great for your body overall but it also helps fill you up so if you’re a snacker you are less likely to snack (research suggests that oftentimes we mistake thirst for hunger and eat when we should drink)

I know that technically this is often ‘easier said than done’ — I keep several bottles full of water in my fridge at all times so I can grab and go. Keeping water with me helps me keep hydrated. And not only will you notice a more consistent sense of ‘fullness’ but you will probably also notice a difference in your skin, hair, and nails!

What are some small changes YOU’VE made towards a healthier diet?

Don’t overlook the details

I finally got a smartphone back in November of 2102.  I was reluctant at first. WHY DO I NEED THIS!? Truth is, I didn’t NEED it. My simple old ‘dumb phone’ did what I ‘needed’ – it made phone calls.

But I finally succumbed to peer pressure and upgraded. And I must admit – it was sorta kinda love at first sight. Although I do think there loads of DOWNSIDES to it – more on that another day – THIS post is all happy joy joy lovey dovey stuff. 🙂

Well, except for this one little next part. Back in mid-of June, it died.   I dropped it while it was charging, the charger bent a little, and 8 hours later that puppy was smokin’. LITERALLY

It was a sad day with wailing and gnashing of teeth. Whatever that means. It really just means it was bad. Like baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad-bad. So sad.

Then, after juggling of some available upgrades on family lines, cue new phone. Same brand, different model, all should be fine.

Except that it wasn’t.

Not only was I unable to transfer any content, but the phone was………..well, different. Little details were different, how you swipe, what you press, where the buttons are located. ARGH!

I took for granted those little details, the phone was all I knew until I had to change phones. Then the impact of those little details was made known to me!

It got me thinking about the bigger picture in other areas too.

Like in LIFE.

(like WHOA, lol)

There are so many little details in the world that we often miss because they are just a part of our everyday ‘what we know’. We don’t see them or we don’t appreciate the value they add.

A big disappointment with the new phone was the camera. And it really was a BIG disappointment because the camera on my phone has become such an integral part of my daily routine. When it didn’t work as well as I expected it to I was QUITE sad.

But I kept teasing out the details – – and these are some photos I took in the backyard the other day – these are unedited and uncropped. They are SOOC (Straight Out Of Cell/Camera)


cone flower, nature, photography, cell phone camera, android camera

cone flower

macro, cell phone camera, flower

flower, cell phone, android, camera

cone flower, macro, cellphone photo

cone flower, macro, cellphone photo



Not too bad!

The details in the cell phone settings made all the difference. AND it allowed me to really see all the details in that flower.

The last photo was very close up and lost some sharpness with the upload but still – I love it. The details in that little flower. To see it, really SEE it. It’s beautiful. An eye opener.

We don’t always notice the little details, they are just a part of the bigger picture. But that is just it:

they are part of the bigger picture – more than that even –

they are what MAKE the bigger picture.

Without those details the bigger picture wouldn’t be as smooth, as vibrant, as interesting…… grand, as beautiful.

Don’t take it all for granted, don’t overlook the details……

It’s a beautiful world out there. 🙂